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Contact Us

Department Contacts

We recommend that parents contact us with concerns as soon as possible: the sooner we know the sooner we can advise, explain, help, or resolve matters. 


Direct contact with the person closest to the problem should always be the first stage in dealing with any matter initial contacts made to senior staff are invariably re-directed back to the relevant teacher or tutor.


Contact Directory




For all Year 7  to 10 admissions enquiries, visits, open evenings, testing queries, catchment questions and individual tours of the school, please contact

Jane Pickering - Admissions Officer or call 01507 353474


For Sixth Form Admissions then please contact the Sixth Form Team or call 01507 600456


For bus information contact our Reception Team or call 01507 600456.




All student absences must be reported on the Student Absence Email address


Routine Administrative Matters, Exam Queries, Finance and SIMs Parent App


Please contact our reception team for all matters relating to forms, letters, timetables, timings,  lost property, school shop and all other routine school administrative matters.  For all issues relating to examination entries, resits, remarks and all other public exam queries including examination timetables.    For SIMs Parent App queries please click here 



Pastoral Concerns - KESH (King Edward Support Hub)


For all Year 7 to 13 Pastoral (including Heads of Year & Tutors), Safeguarding (including Child Protection) and SEND matters, please contact KESH Admin.



Academic Concerns - Heads of Department


For academic concerns Heads of Department  are responsible for all aspects of the management of their departments including teaching and learning; homework; marking and assessment, and classroom behaviour.  Please contact them directly from the department links for any academic concerns or via 


On going concerns  


The school's Senior Team are responsible for line managing the Heads of Department and Heads of Year.  If your concern has not been answered then you should contact the Head's PA, Lisa Underdown,  who can direct your concern to the appropriate member of the Senior Team for further investigation.  




Serious allegations or concerns  should be reported directly to the Headmaster.  Where a matter has not been resolved through the stages above and/or where the matter is about a Middle or Senior Leader then reporting this to the Headmaster would be appropriate via the Head's PA, Lisa Underdown, 


Formal Complaints to the Governing Body


Wider complaints or concerns about the school's ethos or operations or complaints about the Headmaster should follow the school's Complaints Procedure: concerns should initially be addressed to Clerk to the Governors, Rachel Mowbray,   A copy of the school's complaints procedure can be found in the information section.


The school will always contact and involve the Police in matters of sexual harassment; social media trolling/abuse; sexting; racism; harassment;

libel and/or defamation of character.




School Cloud/Parents Evenings

Email Portal

Student File Store


King Edward VI Grammar

Edward Street

Louth LN11 9LL

01507 600456

Headteacher: Mr James Lascelles

Acting Headteacher:  Mrs Sam Herridge 


King Edward VI Education Trust

(Company No: 09635329)

A Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales


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