king edward vi grammar
Holistic Academic Education since 1551
Admission Policy Consultation
King Edward VI Grammar School is consulting on the admission arrangements for the academy for September 2026. The School Admissions Code (2021) requires all admission authorities to consult on school admission arrangements every seven years, even if no changes are proposed. No changes are proposed to the admission arrangements for King Edward VI Grammar School for September 2026.
Please click on the link below to read the full consultation document. The consultation opens on Tuesday 3 December 2024 and closes on 14 January 2025. Any comments should be emailed to marked for the attention of Mrs S Herridge. Alternatively, post your comments to:
Mrs S Herridge
King Edward VI Grammar School
Edward Street
LN11 9LL
King Edward’s is an exciting place to be. Our school heritage goes back to 1551 and beyond and throughout that time the school has survived by listening, learning, changing and adapting. The challenges of today makes these principles all the more important to ensure that every voice in our community is valued.​King Edward’s may have been around longer than many schools but our focus is always on the future, whether that is on developing our site and our buildings or leading the way in eLearning and Webinars. We are committed to retaining the important aspects of our heritage, and aspects of the traditional grammar school ethos whilst embracing the changes of the modern world.
The Headmaster and the Governing Body are jointly responsible for the overall strategic leadership and direction of the school. The Governing Body meets 6 times per year to consider standards: both academic and pastoral. Governors are paired with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and responsible for evaluating a strand of the schools annual action plan. The Headmaster and Governors undertake a detailed strategic development planning process on a three yearly cycle that involves extensive consultation with all members of the school's community from parents to pupils, teachers to caretakers and other friends in our wider community.
In addition the Governing Body and Leadership Team put together an Annual Review looking at the progress made towards these objectives and highlighting the various successes that the school has had, as well as identifying the challenges on the road ahead. As part of the Annual Review the Governing Body, Headmaster and Leadership Team monitor various indicators of pupil and parental satisfaction by gathering data through surveys, questionnaires and consultations, including the views of students and parents.
Through the school's Directors Group the Academic life of the school is subject to regular discussion and continuous review by the SLT and faculty Directors. Working in a collegiate fashion Directors alongside the SLT carry out regular learning reviews: the focus is to see best practice but to work collaboratively with others to identify areas for improvement. In addition the Directors Group has various Action Research Groups and we encourage staff and other leaders to participate. The current groups cover the Curriculum, eLearning, and Reporting and Assessment.
The Headmaster and Governing Body are committed to moving the school beyond Outstanding towards the kind of elite performance levels found in the major independent schools. Although, like, all schools COVID has set us back our intentions have not changed, and by elite performance we mean the achievement of attention to detail at every single level to ensure that we provide the best for every single member of our community. Feedback from parents is always welcomed and regularly sought.
All enquiries to the Governing Body must go through (Clerk to the Governors)