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Join Team KEVIGS 

Here at King Edward's we are committed to ensuring the highest standards in Teaching and Learning.  The classroom experience is the single and most vitally important thing that our staff do and as a school our aim is to support and nurture the talent that we are fortunate to have in our staffroom.  


We hope to provide a supportive start for those new to the profession as well as providing opportunities for a new intellectual challenge for those for whom this might be their second or third move.  Our Deputy Head Academic, Academic Leaders and links with the Education Departments at The University of Hull and Bishop Grosseteste University,  mean that we can offer a supportive environment for teachers to flourish and develop.  


Take a look at our current vacancies below and if you've any questions, then please do get in touch.



Current Vacancies

For details of our vacancies and to access out TES application portal, please click on the relevant job above.  If you have any queries about the position that you wish to apply for, please email


As part of our duty to safeguard pupils we need to check whether an individual is barred from working with children, or whether they have any convictions that would make them unsuitable to work with children.  We will therefore carry out online checks and request a self-declaration to be made prior to attending an interview.  Before making an application, please click on the boxes below to see details of the checks that we are required to carry out on candidates before they attend an interview. 

Staff Welfare

We take staff welfare seriously and are committed to an inclusive and supportive working environment. As a family school with a commitment to Holistic Education.


As a school we have championed the creation of a staffroom committee, developed a Staff Welfare Charter, brought into the Education Support Charity's Employee Assistance Programme which gives all staff 24/7 access to counselling, coaching, mentoring, support and advice. We also hold a corporate membership scheme with Kenwick Health Club providing various discounts and offers, and the Staffroom Committee organise regular Spa and Afternoon Tea events at the Kenwick.



Headteacher:  Mrs Sam Herridge


Chair of Trustees: Mr Robert Maltman



King Edward VI Education Trust

(Company No: 09635329)

A Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales


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